Get Up and Dance!

Get Up and Dance!

When life knocks you down, get up and dance! Join the Reese family and friends as they manage the ups and downs of everyday life. Family friendly, this twelve-book series is perfect for lazy summer days at the beach or swinging on a hammock. Or for quiet evenings by a fire if you live in the Southern hemisphere. Start with the first three books, Joy’s Trilogy, which includes Dancing on a High Wire, Still Dancing, and A Slow Waltz. Then move on to books four through nine, Friends and Family. Conclude with books ten through twelve, Joy’s Children. Their stories will inspire and give you hope.

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However you found my website, I’m glad you are here! I strive to provide words of hope and inspiration to a troubled world. I also have numerous articles on everyday spirituality available for free, and blog on a weekly basis.

For young mothers, check out my book, Who Me? Full of Grace? A Spirituality for Mothers. For those dealing with death, dying and grief, there is Walking with Families through the Dying Process and Walking with Families through Grief.

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Thank you again for visiting this website. May you experience God in all your life circumstances!

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  • About Patricia

    The introvert who prefers to work behind the scenes rather than be out front. I am a woman, loved by God, called to grow in my relationship with God and help others with their relationships through writing, teaching, pastoral counseling and right relationships.

    Writing words of hope to those who have given up their dreams or misplaced them. Patricia writes for ordinary people, living extraordinary lives.

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    Patricia Robertson writes skillfully and from the heart.

    Patricia Robertson writes skillfully and from the heart. And her heart is informed by broad life experience in both family life and spiritual formation. Here’s the delight her readers soon discover: Much spiritual formation takes place within the family, and by the sovereign grace of God.

    Ken Wyatt, Editor

    Winsome and soulful grace.

    With winsome and soulful grace Patricia invites her readers to see themselves through the story of others. I not only find myself there but I feel kinder and smarter after time spent with Patricia’s writing.

    Rev. Clare Loughrige, Spiritual Director and Author

    Moving stories that inspire!

    I became immediately interested in the characters in Patricia’s books, and found what I hope you will find too: that no matter your circumstances, these moving stories will inspire you to see life’s challenges as opportunities to grow in life-transforming ways.

    Mary Albert Darling, Author of The God of Intimacy and Action and Connecting Like Jesus

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