Coming in July!

 July 3, 2014

LoDW6.cover only

Land of Deep Waters -Honduras, land of deep waters, a country torn apart by civil unrest, violence and poverty: Is it possible to go back? Thirty years after being banned from Honduras as a young nun, Joan, now married with two grown sons, finds herself haunted by memories of her four years there. She is determined to return, but how, and if so what will she find?

The recent flood of children from Central America into the US include many from Honduras. My novel, Land of Deep Waters, will give you a glimpse into the situation in this country that leads so many to flee. It will help you appreciate the challenges faced by missionaries who give up their own country in order to walk with others in third world countries. It will also lead you through the deep waters where conversion takes place.

I used extensive interviews with Fr. Richard Preston who lived in Honduras in the mid-1970’s, research on the Internet and my own encounters with life in a third world country, to recreate this experience for my readers.

As Richard Preston states:  “Legend has it that on his fourth trip to the “New World” Colombus, upon reaching shore ,exclaimed, ” Gracias a Dios que hemos salido de esas honduras.” (thanks be to God we have escaped those deep waters).  Thus Honduras entered the western world. Ever dependent on the whims of banana companies, African palm oil interests, and U.S. strategic concerns, many who love this poor nation often wonder why the Admiral sailing in the name of the Spanish crown and Church just wasn’t swallowed up by those deep and dangerous waters.

Happily, that isn’t the only story.  There is another;  one more “catracho” in character. One that speaks of the deep love and generosity and ability to commit of the people of Honduras and those who choose to live with them.

Patricia Robertson has captured this very human and spiritual and dynamic quality of the people of Olancho, what once was known as the ‘Wild West’ of Honduras. Once there, you always want to go back.”

Sign up for my enewsletter and receive the first chapter! Just click on box to the right. And watch for the book launch later in July!

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