NaNoWriMo Word Count Update – week 2
Week two – word count now at 26,858. I’m on target to finish on November 25 if I can keep this up. Need to write 3,000 words between now and Friday to make my next mini-goal of 30,000 words. However, since I have reached the half-way point, I’m celebrating by offering Dancing on a High Wire kindle version for free, tomorrow, November 14, as promised. Click on link on November 14 to receive your copy.
Wish I could celebrate by taking rest of day off, but not time yet to rest on my laurels. Fortunately the weather, an inch of snow on the ground and still snowing, is conducive to staying inside and writing!
If you live in the Jackson, Michigan, area, why not stop by The Book Cottage, Horton Road, on Saturday. I’ll be there between 1-3p.m. signing books and anything else (except for checks). You can cheer me on in person. And if you are participating in NaNoWriMo, we can commiserate with each other.
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