NOMINATE ME!!! Kindle Scout Program
Amazon has a new program, Kindle Scout. Authors submit unpublished works and readers nominate books they would like to see published. If your book gets enough nominations, you are offered a publishing contract. If book you nominate is selected you receive a free e-copy. For more information, go to
I’ve submitted my latest manuscript, Still Dancing, for this program. The campaign started April 22 and runs through May 22. It only takes a little bit of time to nominate a book and would be greatly appreciated. To nominate, follow this link: Thank you in advance!
I would also love it if you could help me spread the word by sharing this post. In appreciation, everyone who shares this post will receive their choice of one of my Spirituality for Moms ebooks. (click here for more info on them). You may not be a mother yourself, but you certainly know a mother you could give this to.
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