Time Management 101 – Finding Time When there is no Time by Goal Setting

 October 15, 2015

goal settingI’ve been called the queen of goal setting in the past. Yes, I love to set goals, almost as much as I love making lists. And I take great pleasure in looking at those goals to see which ones I have completed and can cross off my list.

As I mentioned last week, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with personal and professional commitments. One of the ways I’ve been handling this is through transforming some of the “shoulds” on my to do lists into goals for 2016. That way I don’t have to do it today, or tomorrow or the next day. As long as I have my goal accomplished by the end of 2016, I’m good.

I’m putting further exploration of changing my website from a WordPress.com site to WordPress.org on this list. I keep hearing about the advantages of .org over .com, but from the WordPress meetups I’ve been attending, I’m also aware of the pitfalls, such as being responsible for my own security and backup and basically having to do everything myself. I have a pretty good idea what I need to do, I just don’t know that I want to do it. At least not yet. Putting this into a goal takes it off of my plate for a while and gives me some breathing space.

I’ve also been looking at doing my own audiotaping of my books in order to fulfill my 2015 goal to explore audiobooks. I ran into a snag when the library recording studio wasn’t up to the requirements. So now I’m thinking about purchasing a microphone and setting up a space for recording in my home. Fortunately I have a narrator for one of my books so by the end of 2015 I will have an audiobook published. Yay! That takes off the pressure to record one myself by the end of the year. That can easily be made into a goal for 2106.

There’s so much information on marketing that I’m bombarded with every day through emails. The effort to keep up with this information is stealing away valuable time. Maybe I can make a goal out of weeding out what is worth reading and doing from that which is not and thereby free up email space and brain space.

And most recently I read about the benefit of entering writing contests. I’ve heard this before but I have no time or budget for it now. That can be put into a 2016 goal.

You’ve got the idea. If you’ve got something that’s been nagging at you that you just can’t find time for, make it into a goal and then forget about it for a while as you finish off your current projects.

What are some other time management tips you use to help you find time when there is no time?

2 responses to “Time Management 101 – Finding Time When there is no Time by Goal Setting”

  1. Good read 🙂 Setting goals is something I always struggle with (or following them rather 🙁 ). But I do believe what you say is true about setting goals being a prime way of moving forward. After all, if you don’t set a goal to go after, what is “forward” for you? Since you asked about time management tips at the end of your post, I’ll share my biggest one that I just wrote about in a new blog post of mine: https://forwardjourneyblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/16/managing-your-time-part-1-managing-your-morning/. As stated in my post, I believe the morning, and how you use it, is a crucial part to being able to have a productive day that allows you to further your progress towards your goals. It definitely has helped me to have a morning routine that focuses on setting up my day for productivity 🙂

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