NaNoWriMo Week 1

 November 6, 2015

nano pagesSo far, not so good. My word count for this week is only 5,000.

There are a number of reasons for this. I’m still recovering from my trip to Ireland, the weather has been exceptionally warm so I’ve been trying to squeeze in as many bike rides as possible before putting my bike away for the winter, and I’ve been going over the audio version of Magnificent Failure for publication in December. But most importantly, I’m attending  a twelve hour write-a-thon, “Go Green – Go Write”, on Saturday, and I’m preserving creative energy for this.

The write-a-than is going to be in the press  room at Spartan Stadium. I’ve never been to Spartan Stadium, much less the press room. I’ve also never tried anything like this. I don’t know how I’ll do but figure it’s worth the trip just to see the stadium. I’m hoping to write 10,000 words but know I can’t write non-stop all week and have any creative energy left for the weekend so I planned to reserve some energy for Saturday rather than pushing to write four hours a day as I usually do during NaNoWriMo.

Last year I had the goal of finishing NaNoWriMo by Thanksgiving so I could enjoy the holiday with family. In order to achieve that goal, I had weekly goals of 15,000 for the first three weeks, 5,000 for Thanksgiving week, with weekends off. This year I would like to finish by Thanksgiving but I’m not as pressed because I have Monday, November 30, to finish up after the holiday weekend if not finished before Thanksgiving. The pressure is less this year, but it’s still on.

So time to “Go Green – Go Write!” and get caught up. Wish me luck!

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