NaNoWriMo – Finish Line and Beyond, 61,211 words

 December 4, 2015





Cross the finish line and beyond! I completed my 50,000 words on Monday but not my book, so I’ve been writing all week for a finished first draft of 61,211 words.

Because this book is the third in a trilogy, I had intersecting plot lines and multiple characters to wrap up, making it more complicated than the previous two books.

I had planned on getting back to my regular blogging schedule this week but that was put on hold while I finished. Next week I’ll restart my weekly Psalms blog and put this book aside for a while. Thank you for following my on this journey, or putting up with me, whichever fits.

Time to celebrate and get ready for the holidays!

How about you? Were you able to write 50,000 words this November?

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