Who Me? Full of Grace? Available for Pre-Sale
JUST IN TIME FOR MOTHER’S DAY! My book, Who Me? Full of Grace? Spirituality for Moms, is now available for pre-order through Amazon Kindle.
“Hail full of grace,” the angel Gabriel said to Mary, to which she responded, “How can this be?” We, too, are full of grace, yet we might say, “Who me? Not possible.”
This book is designed to help mother recognize God’s presence in their day to day struggles as a mom: juggling the many demands of parenting, wrangling fighting children, cleaning vomit and diapers, and rocking sleeping children. All hold potential for grace.
Each chapter includes reflection questions and exercises to help you recognize and grow in God’s grace. Perfect for mothers of young children, this book can easily fit into a purse or diaper bag to read whenever you have a moment of quiet.
Our lives are full of graced moments where God is present, if only we are aware of it. This book will help the mothers in your life become aware of this presence.
To pre-order, click here. Book will be available on May 2, at which time the price will go up.
The print copy of this books will also be available soon, with a “Launch Party” scheduled for Monday, May 2, from 4:30-6:30p.m. at the Spring Arbor branch of the Jackson District Library. While this is the official launch date, print copies will be available before this so you can receive them in time for Mother’s Day.
Order it now for your favorite mom!
Also, sign up for my enewsletter between now and Mother’s Day and receive a free pdf version of the chapter of your choice. Chapters include: Motherhood Stress: It Causes More than a Few Grey Hairs; Moms and Anger: A Blessing in Disguise?; Finding Time for Prayer when there is no Time; and Finding Grace in your Journey. Just click on the yellow box to your right and fill in your email.
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