What is it about Irish Step Dancing?
What is it about Irish Step Dance that has grabbed the world’s attention? Is it the high energy dancing, the Irish music or the costumes, replete with Shirley Temple curls?
Have you wondered where this phenomena got its start? 22 years ago, a filler act for an interval during the Eurovision song contest lit up the stage with music and dance that produced thunderous applause. Since that time Irish Step Dance has become recognized world-wide, but it has also changed over the course of the years.
For an informative post on this dance sensation and how it has changed go to https://irishbliss.wordpress.com/2016/05/19/riverdance-have-we-lost-what-captivated-us-so/
I came across this website, www.IrishBliss.wordpress.com, while doing research for the next book in my Dancing Through Life Series, An Irish Slip Step. Besides the article on Riverdance, this website includes information on different forms of Irish dance, music and culture, not just step dancing.
I also discovered a documentary on the Irish Step Dancing World Championship, JIG. You can watch the full movie on UTube. Check out the trailer. There are also many clips of Irish dancing available, as well as instructional videos on how to master some of the steps.
I enjoy the research as much as I enjoy the writing. I’ll be sharing that research from time to time. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
What about you? Is research a tedious but necessary chore, or an adventure?
[…] Ireland, the IRA and Celtic Spirituality. (for more on my research check out these blog posts: Irish Step Dancing, 1000 Pages of Research, More Research: How the Irish Saved […]