New Blog Series – Seasons of Grace

 November 23, 2016

The farmer is intimately acquainted with the seasons of nature. His livelihood depends on it. He knows when it’s time to plant, the growing season, time to harvest and time to let the land lie fallow. He reads the signs of the time in nature to know when to reap, when to sow. His life revolves around this.

When my children were in school, my life was ruled by the school calendar. Vacations, doctor appointments, family gatherings were all dictated by the school schedule and after-school activities of my children.

As a pastor of a church, I was intimately involved with the seasons of the church year, the liturgical calendar. The rhythm of the church year was the rhythm of my life, beginning each year with Advent, then Christmas, a break for Ordinary Time before Lent started, Holy Week then Easter followed by more Ordinary Time, concluding here in America with the celebration of Thanksgiving before it began again.

Once my children were no longer in school, my schedule ceased to revolve around their schedule. As a writer, my life is no longer dominated by the church year. Yes, I celebrate Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, but not in the same way, with the same attention to detail and ritual that as when I was in church ministry.

Still those seasons remain important in my life. They are sources of grace.

This year, starting with Advent, the beginning of the church year, I’ll be doing a series of short reflections on these different seasons, ending next year with Thanksgiving. There will be an introduction to the season followed by a series of short reflections meant to further illuminate the season and ending with a Scripture passage. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them.

Time truly is a precious commodity.  May this year of reflections help you grow in grace and appreciation for each day God has given us!

Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving!

If you wish to receive these meditations in your email each week, sign up to follow my blog using the link in the right hand column of the main blog page.


3 responses to “New Blog Series – Seasons of Grace”

  1. As growing up a farm girl, our life was ruled by the seasons of the growing pattern.
    We also enjoyed the seasons of our church, and what each season would teach us,
    Thanks Patty for all the memories you bring to me in your writings; I look forward to following you each week throughout this coming year.

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