Sacred Touch

 December 27, 2016

Christmas – Season of Promise

Eager children reach out to touch the nativity figures arranged in the manger. One caresses the Infant. Another reaches for Mary, while a curious toddler investigates Joseph’s hard beard. These children instinctively reach for the sacred, to physically touch these special figures they have heard so much about: the swaddled baby, the humble animals, the kingly magi. Touch means so much to these little ones.

So, too, is touch sacred to the elderly. How they long to be touched: to have their hair combed, to be gently embraced, to be reminded with a kiss on the cheek that they are still loved–and lovable–still part of this physical world of ours.

Lovers touch in wild abandon and playful affection. Their touch is full of promise.

Daily our hands touch Jesus.

This is what we proclaim to you: what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked upon and our hands have touched–we speak of the word of life.   1 John 1:1


This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year. If you enjoyed it, share it with others! Merry Christmas!  Click here to follow blog

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