Kicking and Screaming, I Resist Cooperating with God
Season of Change – Lent
I remember those days. Kicking and screaming, my children are carried out of the store. They’ve “lost it”–literally and figuratively. In trying to have it all, they’ve lost everything. No candy. No toy. No more excursions to the store or the park. Not for a while anyway. If only they could understand, if they would just cooperate with me–I have so many fun events planned. But with their grasping, demanding, and whining, they’ve lost everything.
Kicking and screaming, I am dragged into the future. I cling to the job, the relationship, even when it is no longer good for me. I lose everything when I grasp and whine and demand.
If only I would learn to cooperate with God.
Here there was no water for the people to drink. They quarreled, therefore, with Moses and said, “Give us water to drink.” Moses replied, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you put the Lord to a test?” Exodus 17:1-2
This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year. click here to follow blog
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