Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Lent – Season of Change
Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, or so they say. St. Patrick’s Day has been turned into an excuse for a party. In the midst of Lenten sacrifice, any excuse will do. And not just a one day party, a whole weekend full of parties, parades and green beer. How mystified would the actual Patrick be at such shenanigans.
Just as the religious world has at times appropriated secular tradition and turned them into religious celebration, i.e. Christmas from the celebration of the sun god, it seems our secular society has chosen to adopt this saint’s day as its own. A time to celebrate all things Celtic, as well as the Irish propensity for whiskey!
Maybe it’s time for the religious community to reclaim this feast as our own, with Celtic prayers and a spirituality that is rooted in the isles. Perhaps it’s time for Patrick himself to help us free this day of the snakes that have over-run it. Just as Patrick saved Ireland for Christianity, maybe it’s time to save St. Patrick’s day from the abuses of our day and age. (Though a little green beer doesn’t hurt!)
Therefore, be serious and sober for prayer. Above all, let your love for one another be intense, because love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:7b-8
This post is a part of a series of reflections on the Church year. Click here to follow blog
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