Lent – Season of Change
Parents know that a wound-up, misbehaving child needs time-out, a chance to quiet down, to get his or her act back together. Even if the child is not misbehaving, parents know the dangers of just going, going, going–from one adventure to another–with a youngster, without some time-out in between.
I, too, need time-out between ending one adventure and beginning another. I need time out from the hectic pace of everyday life. I can’t keep going, going, going, and yet I try. Why do I wait until I find myself throwing a tantrum? Why do I find it so hard to give myself this time?
That is what the Lord prescribed. Tomorrow is a day of complete rest, the Sabbath, sacred to the Lord. Exodus 16:23
This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year. click here to follow blog
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