Return to Me
Lent – Season of Change
Somehow, through all of the changes, all of the struggles at work, at home, struggles to just keep going every day, I have lost something. It didn’t happen overnight. It wasn’t sudden. It crept in gradually, secretly, until it stole my life from me. Until I no longer recognized who I was.
Funny how far we can go astray without even recognizing it. Funny how easy it is to let other seemingly important priorities steal from us that which is most essential, our life with our God. It’s never too late to return to our senses, to return to the Lord, to seek God’s forgiveness.
Thank you, God, for this season of Lent, a chance to get my priorities right once again. A chance to get right with you.
Have mercy on me, God, in your goodness; in your abundant compassion blot out my offense. Psalm 51:1
This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year. Click here to follow blog
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