Roller Coaster Ride
Easter – Season of New Life
Highs and lows, speed up, slow down, sharp turns, throw-up. I’m not a fan of roller coaster rides. I’ve only been on a small one and that was enough. I don’t like being jerked around, spun up and down, high and low. It’s too much like life! I have enough excitement in my life. I don’t need to invent any or seek out artificial forms.
The early years of the Christian community must have been a roller coaster. First the despair of Jesus’ death, then the incredible high of the resurrection, too good to be true. Never knowing just when he would appear until he was gone again, leaving them in the upper room in fear and prayer until the visit of the Spirit. Then the miracles, preaching to and baptizing thousands, being thrown into jail and out again–very intense, very like a roller coaster.
The months after the death of a loved one can feel like a roller coaster ride, too. The grief, deep sorrow, but also a sense of your loved one’s presence that surprises you in your grief and brings you joy you never expected, and then back down again as you experience the great pain of missing a part of yourself in missing your loved one. It can be a very intense time. You rejoice that your loved one is no longer in pain but miss them so much. Ups and downs.
I don’t like roller coasters, but sometimes, ride them I must. When I do I am thankful for the high times, then hold on fiercely to my God until the ride levels off.
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” John 20:19
This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year. click here to follow blog
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