A Baby’s First Laugh

 May 2, 2017

Easter – Season of New Life

Some Native American tribes celebrate a baby’s first laugh rather than their first word. Makes sense to me. American society values language skills highly, but isn’t the ability to laugh and see the humor in life just as valuable? In fairy tales I can imagine an evil fairy stealing a baby’s first laugh and putting it in a bottle to use its power.

My grandson, Henry, smiles easily and often. It’s worth the two hour delays in the airport (both ways) and flights to New York to experience them. He chortles deep in his throat and cracks me up. It’s as good as winning the lotto.

In fact, I have won the lotto. I’m a grandmother!

Sarah then said, “God has given me cause to laugh, and all who hear of it will laugh with me.”  Gen. 22:6


This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year.   click here to follow blog

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