Putting New Life into Dry Bones

 May 29, 2017

Easter – Preparing for Pentecost

Oh, what joy, when I first followed Jesus, when I experienced God’s presence and forgiveness. The sky was bluer, the sun burned brighter, flowers more radiant and colors more brilliant, touched by God’s love. But I also feared losing my new found joy, feared falling into sin and out of love.

That was long ago when my love was new. Now I am so much older, the highs and lows, mountains and valleys, have given away to plains and rolling hills, but my love remains strong, no longer touched by fear.

Oh, what joy those early Christian’s experienced in proclaiming the good news, forming a church. Ups and downs, new converts even during persecution. Perhaps they worried at times whether their church would last in the face of so much trouble. But now the church is so much older. There is no question that it has lasted and will last. We have become a somewhat staid institution, and yet God’s spirit remains present even amidst the rocky structures, finding ways ever anew to breathe new life into an old institution.

Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and have you rise from them, O my people! I will put my spirit in you that you may live, and I will settle you upon your land; thus you shall know that I am the Lord.     Ezekial 37:13-14


This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year.   click here to follow blog

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