Grass, Like Hair, Grows Where It Will
Try though we might to have a yard of lush, green grass, this keeps eluding us. We distribute grass seed throughout the lawn only to have them picked up by passing birds. We try to patch brown spots left by our dog to no avail. What grass we do have, gets swallowed up by creeping Charlie and other fast growing weeds. The only place where the grass grows is where we don’t want it – between the cracks of our patio blocks, leaving me to constantly have to pull them out by the roots.
In the same way, hair grows where it will. Hair that is thinning on my head, appears in unwanted places like my chin. This requires constant vigilance lest I wake up one day with an old lady goatee.
There is always work to be done, always something that needs tending to. Ordinary days filled with ordinary work. And so God made creation, lest we become lazy and complacent.
And may the gracious care of the Lord our God be ours; prosper the work of our hands for us! Psalm 90:17
This post is part of a series on the Church year. click here to follow blog
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