Autumn Leaves, Autumn Lives
Ordinary Time – Season of Stability
Fall colors everywhere, busting out in a blaze of color, one last hurrah before dropping to the ground. The white of winter has given way to the green of summer and now, the colors long hidden have finally found their chance to burst forth, rich reds and yellows, all the more beautiful for being so short-lived.
The potential hidden in the small child begins to appear in the adult until finally it reaches full bloom in the fall of our lives, the summit of a life well-lived. We have reached our full potential and break forth in beautiful colors like the autumn leaves . . . until it is time for us to go.
The earth is the Lord’s and all it holds, the world and those who live there. Psalm 24:1
This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year. click here to follow blog
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