After the Party’s Over

 October 9, 2017

Ordinary Time – Season of Stability

I’ve always preferred leaving parties while they are still going strong rather than waiting until the last minute. That way I can leave with pleasant memories intact, wanting more rather than having had my fill.

But there is something to be said about waiting until the last moment. When all the party hats have been put up, the food put away and you can relax with the few remaining guests without the pressure to entertain or make things happen. Just relax and be in the quiet after the end of a good celebration.

After the storm comes the quiet.

How I love the quiet.

I will hear what God proclaims; the Lord–for he proclaims peace. To his people, and to his faithful ones, and to those who put in him their hope.   Psalm 85:9


This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year.   click here to follow blog

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