Teresa of Avila – Doctor of the Church

 October 15, 2017

Teresa of Avila, October 15

Teresa, saint, mystic, and doctor of the Catholic Church, this simple unlearned woman whom God taught to read, now is read by millions and considered learned, a doctor, by the church. An ordinary woman with ordinary failings. A passion for life and for friendships, she struggled through bouts of illness and struggled for eighteen years before being able to give up relationships and activities that she knew got in the way between her and her God.

She is so ordinary and yet extraordinary. An example for all who struggle against great odds, who struggle with health difficulties. She founded numerous convents, set about to reform her order and left us many writings. A mystic, yet her writing is full of sound, practical advice.

She lived till her eighties, remained an active member of the community she founded. She is an example for all of us as we age.

By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciple.   John 15:8


This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year.   click here to follow blog

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