Walking the Dog!
Ordinary Time – Season of Stability
When my kids were still home, we owned a Siberian Husky.
“Cool dog.”
“What a beautiful dog.”
“Can I pet your dog?”
I would hear these comments as I took my dog on her daily jaunt. She was a beautiful black and tan husky with fine, noble markings. She bore herself with pride and dignity, cheerfully prancing along by my side, her head high, her tail equally high. I walked with a greater sense of pride and dignity for having her at my side. I held my head high and straightened my slouching shoulders.
As we drew closer to home she would break into a spirited run and race around the yard at full speed.
I, too, know the joy of coming home.
To the centurion Jesus said, “Go home. It shall be done because you trusted.” Matthew 8:13
This post is part of a series of reflections on the Church year. We will be finishing Ordinary Time in October. November will be Season of Thanksgiving! click here to follow blog
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