Thank You for End Times

 November 30, 2017

Season of Gratitude

In the end times, at the end of the world, we will be divided into sheep and goats. The Lord tells us so. There will be a judgment. We will be judged by how we treated those who are most vulnerable among us, by our kindness to strangers, the poor and widowed.

This judgment is for God and God alone. I am grateful that there will be a time of judgment but I’m even more grateful that our God will be the judge. When I stand being judged, I want no human judge, prone to error, but a kind and forgiving judge who knows me better than I know myself, who can see through me to my heart, as God can see to the hearts of others. I wouldn’t want to be the judge either. I leave that in better hands than mine.

I’m glad there will be a time of reckoning, and I’m glad there will be an end time. I wouldn’t want this life to go on forever. I’m too excited about what the next life will bring when the time comes, life with Jesus, our King and Savior.

When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.   Matthew 25:31-32


This is the last post in my series of reflections on the Church year. I hope you enjoyed them. With the new Church year and Advent I will be resuming my series of reflections on the Psalms. I hope you will follow this series as well. Blessings and Thank you!!!  click here to follow blog

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