Free Copy of Dancing on a High Wire!
What do you do when life knocks you down? Get up and dance! At least that’s what the members of the Reese family and their friends strive to do.
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Meet Sara, a senior at Michigan State University, who is looking forward to graduation and starting her life with her fiancé when he breaks off the engagement. Joy, a ballet instructor, happily married and expecting her third child when she is diagnosed with breast cancer. Esther, who plans on continuing at her current place of employment until retirement when she finds herself unemployed with few job skills.
Each needs to find a “new normal” and regain their balance on this high wire we call life.
Dancing on a High Wire will show you how three women manage this rebalancing act. Their stories will inspire you and help you with your own struggle to maintain a balance in this crazy world in which we live.
My Dancing through Life Series includes faith stories of people who are knocked off balance by life yet manage to get back up. My newsletters include tips on how to unlock the extraordinary from the everyday and updates on my works in progress. You can also sign up to receive my weekly blog posts when you complete the form.
(If you are already signed-up for my email list and would like a copy, just email me, patricia@patriciamrobertson.com. I’ll be happy to send it to you.)
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