
Shoot off your fireworks, but not your mouths. Happy Fourth of July!

 July 3, 2018

Fireworks and picnics, parades and parties. Thus we celebrate the establishment of our country over two hundred years ago. It’s fun, but what does it have to do with what our founding fathers dreamed of for our country?

Dreams of our Founding Fathers

In order to form a more perfect union … Our forefathers dreamed of a new world, a new way of organizing a country, one free from the tyranny of a king, a unity that allows for diversity, free speech and other rights. We are far from the perfect union that our forefathers desired. We shout down, make fun of, and degrade those we disagree with and use free speech as an excuse to be unkind and disrespectful to others.

Shoot off your fireworks, but not your mouths.

Celebrate the day with parties and parades, but then, fulfill the dreams of our founding fathers by seeking those whose opinions we oppose. Let’s work for a more civil union, one where differences of opinions are allowed, not shouted down, and we respect the rights promised by our ancestors.

Shake the hand of someone you differ with, then pass the watermelon and brownies.



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