Season of Gratitude
I love November! Much as I’m aware of the importance of giving thanks throughout the year, I need this time to remind me and help me develop an attitude of gratitude. I need this Season of Thanksgiving, Season of Gratitude!
Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday for years. It doesn’t require buying a lot of presents or attending a lot of additional activities and holiday parties. It doesn’t require costumes. My sewing skills and creativity does not extend to creating gorgeous or hideous costumes appropriate for today’s expectations for Halloween. No, Thanksgiving is just a good meal with family and friends.
But over the years, as I’ve grown in my understanding of the importance of giving thanks, Thanksgiving has become more than a day to me. It has become a whole season. I use all of November to remind myself to be thankful, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day.
Season of Gratitude
That’s why I wrote my booklet, Season of Gratitude. I realize there is no section of days in the church year such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time, dedicated to giving thanks. But there should be! I need this time set aside to help me be grateful all year. And so I have dedicated the month of November to being grateful.
The selection of meditations begins with All Saints Day, November 1, and goes through to end times, November 30. The twenty-five reflections are designed to help you grow in your ability to give thanks in all things, at all times. Read one or more everyday throughout the month.
For more information about Season of Gratitude and how to purchase it, click here.
Wishing you a grateful heart.
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