Mackinac Bridge
I don’t know if it is one of the world’s Top Ten Human Made Wonders, but it is definitely a wonder to me. What trip “up north” would be complete without stopping to look at the bridge, long and beautiful, stately, over an expanse of amazingly blue water?
The bridge appears in the distance as we complete the final miles on I-75 and my heart catches in my throat. So many memories come back, memories of trips as a kid, memories of trips across the bridge as newlyweds. We walk along the shore of the park, enjoy the view as the kids climb over the rocks.
Sometimes, when caught up in an argument, it feels like there is a chasm between us as wide as the great lakes. But then we find a way to bridge that gap. It is a human made bridge, crafted with commitment, communication and love.
It, too, is a wonder.
Reflections: Are there gaps, chasms, in your relationship that need a bridge? How might you take the first step towards building that bridge today?
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This reflection is taken from the book, Marriage Moments II: Michigan Edition, by Patricia M. Robertson, Kenneth Wyatt and Brad Flory. If you have a Marriage Moment you would like to share, please email me at I look forward to hearing from you. Also, be sure not to miss a Marriage Moment. Sign up to follow this blog.
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