clock at 3 minutes to midnight in front of nuclear mushroom cloud

August Book Deals

 August 5, 2021

Check out my August book deals! Great summer reads – learn history through reading fiction. One, Buying Time, is set during the 1980s. The other, Land of Deep Waters, is set in Honduras, spanning thirty years from the 1970’s to 2000.

August Book Deals – Buying Time

Revisit the Cold War era when peaceful protesters demonstrated at nuclear weapons facilities. With the Doomsday clock at three minutes to midnight, these protesters risked their lives and freedom to push back the hands on the clock. Arrested and spending time behind bars, these people bought us time through doing time.

In remembrance of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, my book, Buying Time, will be discounted to 99 cents through Amazon from August 6 through 9. Click here to purchase.

August Book Deals – Land of Deep Waters

Our country continues to struggle with immigrants at our southern borders, fleeing the violence in their countries and seeking a new life in the US.  Honduras is one such country, torn apart by years of civil unrest and violence.

Joan, a young nun, served in Honduras during the 1970’s. She witnessed corruption and violence including the murder of two priests and twelve campesions. She also fell in love with the people. When health problems forced her to go home she vowed to return only to be blocked from entry by the Honduran government. Thirty years later she returns.

Learn about the poverty and corruption that is driving people from Central America from their homes through reading Land of Deep Waters. On sale through Amazon for 99 cents from August 15 through 22. Click here to purchase.


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