morning sun

Reasons to Get Up Every Morning

 October 6, 2021

So nice to luxuriate in bed, no longer being shaken awake by an alarm clock and forced out of bed by a demanding schedule. Except for the demands of the dog needing to go out and eager to be fed, I could stay in bed all morning. But, I know, that is not good for me. Use it or lose it, I remind myself as I force myself up. I recognize, I need to find new reasons to get up every morning.

Reasons to Get Up

Throughout our lives, we experience different reasons to get up every day. Some are imposed on us by others, some self-imposed. Having a reason to get up is a need, right up there with food, water and shelter. It involves having meaning and purpose in our life.

As a small child, I imagine I got up early every morning eager to greet a new day like my pre-school aged grandchildren. They resist going to sleep lest they miss out on any fun and are first ones up every morning.

Then school started and that determined my routine till I graduated from college. Every day I had a reason to get up—going to school. That was followed by getting up for my job. When I had children, even on days I didn’t have to work, I had to get up to take care of them. All good reasons to get up.

Looking for New Reasons to Get Up Every Morning

After being laid off from my last positions, I finally had the opportunity to write every day. That became my reason to get up. Writing filled my days with meaning and purpose. But now that I’m close to finishing the last book in my series and aching muscles in my neck and shoulders confront me from too many days slouched over a computer or a notepad, I need a new reason to get up.

There are still many reasons to get up. Some can be as small as looking forward to that morning cup of coffee, or, in my case, I’ve become addicted to lattes. I look forward to picking one up at McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts and relish each drop. But that’s not enough.

When I visit my grandchildren, I’m up every morning with them, not wanting to miss out on a moment. But that’s not enough either.

Every Day Is a Gift to Enjoy

When I asked God about this, it hit me. Everyday God gives me a new day to enjoy. Who am I to turn down this gift? There’s the beauty of nature all around me. There are good books to read, food and drink to relish, and loved ones to share this with.

Who needs any other reason to get up every morning?

What about you? What gets you up to start a new day?


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