Thankful for the Little Things!
When I was raising my children, it was the little things that drove me to distraction. The attempt to come up with semi-nutritious meals three times a day, seven days a week. Making sure my children had clean clothes to wear (though whether they matched or not was another thing). Taking care of sick children and hustling children to school every morning. I could handle crisis. In the midst of a crisis little things are set aside to deal with the big ones. But when not handling a crisis, it was the multiple little things that I found hard. Who would have thought that I would become thankful for the little things?
Homecoming After a Long Journey
This November I have gained a new appreciation for those little things. For the past two months we’ve been on the road. It’s good to be back home amid all the little things that make our house a home; all the little things that are the stuff of life that had been put aside while travelling. Little things like having a routine, being back at my desktop computer rather than relying on my phone for all things digital, attending exercise classes, and drinking water. Yes, drinking water. For some reason while out of my routine I failed to drink as much water as I would ordinarily. Maybe something about driving and not wanting to have to stop constantly at rest areas or chance that one might not be available for another fifty miles or more.
Little Things that are Big!
It’s good to be back home, sleeping in my own bed with our humidifiers running to fight off the dryness in the air. Good to be back at the exercise classes I had started attending over the summer. Good to be back at my desktop computer and to have what resembles a routine, clipping coupons and searching ads for deals, cooking meals, doing the laundry, and clearing away some of the clutter that had accumulated over the weeks on the road.
I’ve always appreciated my morning cup of coffee. What I haven’t appreciated in the past was how nice it was to pay bills and clip coupons to get the best deals, little things I had done in the past without notice. Or how good it was to know where I’m going without relying on GPS, to know where the best deals are and the best restaurants, to say hi to neighbors while I walk the dog and run into friends at the store.
These are some of the little things I am thankful for as I settle back into a routine. So many reasons to be thankful.
Joy of Travel
Still, I do enjoy travelling. The freedom of packing my bag, loading it into the car, and taking off, unencumbered by “things” or the responsibilities that await me at home. I don’t mind the limited wardrobe. In fact, I enjoy it because it’s one less decision I have to make. I wear whatever is still clean.
I look forward to travelling again, but for now, I’m thankful to be home with all of the “little things” that entails.
And I’m especially thankful for these little things – my grandchildren. Wishing everyone a blessed Thanksgiving filled with friends and family and numerous little things.
What are some of the little things you are grateful for this November?
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