Spring Has Sprung!
Have you noticed a new spring in your step? I have. “For, behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing [of birds] has come.” (Song of Solomon 2:11) Yes, here in Michigan spring has sprung!
Fool’s Spring
Sure, we had those warm days in April, Fool’s Spring, like the day that starts the month. Anyone who lives in Michigan any length of time knows better than to believe these days. They were followed by weeks of cold, rain, snow, lingering into May.
It was warm enough to fool the trees into budding and daffodils and crocuses into popping, but it didn’t fool me. I’ve had my heart broken too many times to believe the promises of those warm days. Besides, budding trees bring out allergies. Thus, I remained inside during a good portion of those days with windows shut till the inevitable return of cold and with it allergy relief.
Spring Has Sprung!
But now, my heart is lighter. I can dare to believe. Sure, there is still the possibility of a killing frost. Wise Michiganders are careful about planting flowers before Memorial Day, especially if you live in Northern Michigan. But the threat of cold days is not enough to scare me away.
My step is lighter. I wake up smiling at the prospect of a bike ride or sitting on my swing outside and writing while enjoying a latte, followed later in the day by drinks on the patio while watching birds fly overhead. Life is good.
It has been a tough winter for many reasons. Time spent in sunny Florida was a welcome reprieve, followed by weeks of cold, dreary weather. It felt like a heavy load weighed me down. But now spring has sprung and my heart has awakened. Alleluia! Amen!
What about you? Do you have spring fever? How do you manage during the cold of winter? Do you have any tips to share?
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the women in our world who work so hard, caring for others, nurturing young minds and bodies. If you are in need of a last minute gift, check out my book, Who Me? Full of Grace? Spirituality for Moms, available in ebook at numerous locations.
It’s also graduation season. If you know someone preparing for ministry, consider gifting them with my book, In the Lord’s Garden. An excellent resource for anyone who wants work in the garden of ministry!
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