
Welcome to this page about . . . me! The introvert who prefers to work behind the scenes rather than be out front. So why am I marketing myself? Because I love to write and I also love to eat, so in order to have money to keep eating I’m hoping to sell my writing! Partially true, but it’s also because I think I just might have something of value to offer.
As a Catholic Christian woman who was raised not to put myself forward in anyway, this is a stretch for me, but I’m also reminded about the warning not to put your light under a bushel basket. I figure this is my chance to go for it, put my writing out there, and see where it takes me. If no-one listens, at least I will be able to tell my Maker I gave it a try.
My mission statement is: I am a woman, loved by God, called to grow in my relationship with God and help others with their relationships through writing, teaching, pastoral counseling and right relationships. Simple, not as elegant as other mission statement, yet this works for me and has guided me in making decisions throughout my adult life.
Trying to help others recognize God’s presence in their life and just how special they are has been my life goal. I’ve been in ministry for thirty five years and I’ve been writing since I was able to pick up a pencil and put words on paper. Where others write primarily to entertain, I write to inform and help, incorporating those aspects of my mission statement in my writing.

One of my favorite writing spots!
Whatever I am doing, I am teaching others or giving counsel, in the hope that it will help. I write about ordinary people who are extraordinary just by being their own unique self – hence my tag-line. Through teaching, spiritual direction/counseling and my writing, I seek to unlock doors that keep people from recognizing how special they are as beloved children of God.
I was a nerd of sorts back before the term was made popular. While not obsessed with science and technology in high school (the greatest technology tool back then was the electronic typewriter), I excelled at math and science without trying. My true love though was literature, which I had to work at in order to get the As that came so readily in other courses.
I chose a small liberal arts college, Justin Morrill College, on Michigan State University campus because I wanted to be a number not a name. I had not been comfortable with the attention associated with being salutatorian and a National Merit Scholar in high school and was looking to fade back into the woodwork. With this arrangement I had the advantages of a small liberal arts college as well as the advantages of a large university.
I continued my study of French from high school and added Russian. I also took a semester of Chinese and did an independent study of classical Greek. I would have happily continued to study different languages if I hadn’t been limited by a scholarship that would run out in four years.
I love learning so I went on to get a Masters in Pastoral Ministry from SS Cyril and Methodius Seminary in Orchard Lake, MI, and then a Doctor of Ministry from Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit, MI. Teaching on a college level seemed like a natural way to keep up this learning process. I also served as lay administrator in the absence of a priest pastor for two Catholic churches, one in inner-city Flint, MI, and the other in the rural community of Concord, MI, a first in my Catholic diocese and pushing me once again beyond my comfort zone as I had to come out of the woodwork in order to lead.
As a young mother in ministry, I realized I couldn’t go off for day or weeklong retreats to discover God as so many back then recommended. I had to find my spirituality in my day-to-day life of being a wife, mother and minister. And so, I looked for ways to find God in the everyday events of raising children, taking five minutes here and there as I was able. Out of this came my book, Daily Meditations for Busy Moms, and a number of articles.

My kids on Wrigley Field!
My novel, Dreamweavers, is an exploration of how our dreams change over the course of our life. Buying Time is a historical novel about the peace movement in the 1980’s and Land of Deep Waters is designed to take the reader through the consciousness raising process experienced by those living and working in a third world country. Magnificent Failure is written for anyone who feels like a failure in their life. It asks the question—is it possible to have a second chance?
In the first book of my Dancing through Life series, Dancing on a High Wire, I wanted to address some moral issues and show how three women found balance in their lives despite being thrown off-balance by their circumstances. I finished the book but the story of these women and their families was not finished, not till eleven books later and a book of Christmas stories.
In all of my novels I seek to help my readers not to escape, but to enter more fully into their lives and recognize just how extraordinary this life on earth is. I also have written a number of non-fiction books.
I have two blogs, one on the Psalms where I share my reflections on a new psalm each week; and the other, On Life and Writing, where I reflect on life in general, writing in specific. I usually post twice a week. I also have a monthly newsletter that you can subscribe to.
I invite you to join me on this journey by following my blogs, receiving my newsletter or reading my books. Thank you for taking this time to get to know me better. I would love to get to know you too. After all, as evident in my mission statement, I’m all about relationships. Email me at patricia@patriciamrobertson.com and share your story. I’m sure it is extraordinary!