hands encircling a lit candle

Season of Hope

“In a world full of hopelessness and despair, in a world full of false hope based on passing things and false gods, true hope is hard to find.”

The liturgical season of Advent provides rich opportunities to reflect on God’s message of hope, however these meditations can be used any time of the year, whenever you are in need of inspiration. Meant to be read individually on a daily basis, or all at once, these meditations will help foster a lasting sense of hope. By coming to an understanding about God’s love for you, and God’s ever-present concern over every aspect of your life, you will find reasons to hope in times of despair as well as in times of abundance.

Patricia M. Robertson shows us how nearly all of our difficulties have answers rooted in God’s Word.

Wherever you are in your life, whatever hardships and struggles you are facing, these simple meditations and accompanying Scripture passages will help you find reason to hope each day.

Also available through Amazon Kindle  and other digital stores.