


“God is present and available to all, in the challenges and joys of life, if we but have eyes to see.”

Dr. Patricia Robertson has offered various mini-retreats, evenings of reflection, presentations and workshops to church groups, ecumenical gatherings and women’s groups. As a lay woman she strongly believes that a deep spirituality and prayer life is available to all people, clergy and lay. She focuses in her writing on helping the laity see the spiritual richness in their own life. She has also helped individuals grow through change and loss through grief counseling and spiritual direction.

Learn firsthand how you can enhance and deepen your own prayer life and that of your group and organization. Give them spirituality based on their own reality.

“Your excellent presentation was energetic, very informative, and enjoyed by all of us.” Barb Socie, Stephen Ministry Leader

Choose from a variety of topics on how to find God amidst the struggles of everyday life.

Patricia is also available for individual counseling & spiritual direction and is available to lead group process on a consulting basis.  She is experienced in conflict resolution, goal setting and mission development. Contact her at

1. Stress: It Causes More than a Few Grey Hairs.

A look at the nature of stress; warning signs of burn-out; the guilt factor – how to deal with this as well as ways to start taking care of yourself.

2. Anger: A Blessing in Disguise.

A look at the full range of feelings available to us with a focus on anger and conflict resolution; how to deal with conflict situations at home and work; ways to express and use anger in constructive ways; ways to let go of anger and resentment lest it control our lives.

3. Finding Time for Prayer when there is no Time.

A look at the many rich and diverse prayer forms available to us from just “being” with our loved ones in God’s presence, to journal writing, coloring, singing and dancing, as well as more traditional forms of prayer. Each participant will be encouraged to try some different prayer exercises.

4. Transitions: Growing Through Change and Loss.

We all experience change and loss in our lives. This is inevitable. But growth from those changes is not, it is a choice. Looks at the transition process, challenges of each, and helps the participant find God in those challenges.

5. Failure: Making Sense of It

No-one is a failure in God’s eyes, yet as we experience setbacks we can often feel like a failure. Participants in this workshop will learn ways to turn failures into gold by learning from mistakes and using them for personal and spiritual growth.

6. When all I have is not enough:  learning to dream again.

Individuals at mid-life can often feel that their dreams have been broken on life’s rocky shores. This presentation is designed to help participations discover new, better dreams as they go through the middle years of life.

7. A Life Full of Grace

A time to look at our life’s journey, where we’ve been where we may be heading, and recognize God’s grace filling our lives.

Program Options

Each presentation may include time for in-put, group discussion or small group discussion based on the needs of the group. Programs are also available in a one day or two day format. Each of the individual presentations may be a self-contained talk.

In every presentation Patricia M. Robertson draws upon her wide range of experience from her own life and the lives of those she has encountered throughout her years in ministry.

  • Patricia M. Robertson - Unlocking the Extraordinary from the Everyday!

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