Tag: decisions

Psalm 60: Playing the Blame Game

 February 19, 2019

There is something about human nature that relishes casting blame on others. Once my children were gone I had no one to fault but myself when I misplaced items or the house was in disarray. How convenient to now have a husband to accuse when I can’t find my car keys or sunglasses or if […]

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Psalm 49: Who is the Prudent One

 December 3, 2018

Who is the prudent one? What does it mean to be prudent? Psalm 49 gives us a clue. In canon law studies, the question was always, what would the prudent man do? To be prudent, according to Webster, is to be shrewd in management of practical affairs, to be cautious, discreet, judicious, foresighted, sensible and […]

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To NaNo or Not to NaNo

 October 19, 2017

To NaNo, or not to NaNo–that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous publishers, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And put an end to them by not writing. . . ‘Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.  (adapted from Hamlet’s monologue) […]

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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

 August 12, 2015

(picture courtesy of Flickr, Scott McLeod) As part of a 40 hour video summit, I heard Joanna Penn speak about how exhausting it can be to write because you are constantly having to make decisions: What is my character like? What job do they hold? Where do they live? What do they do each day? […]

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Letting Lent be Lent

 February 18, 2015

Seems like I’ve been trying to find ways to make Lent special forever. Since my years in a Catholic grade school when I would give up candy and movies for Lent, through my adult years where I would try to “do” something rather than just giving something up, I would spend hours trying to figure […]

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What's the Worst That Could Happen?

 March 21, 2014

“What’s the worst that could happen?” I’ve asked when helping individuals problem solve and make decisions. There’s something about confronting our worst fears that makes it easier to move ahead when stuck. Studies have shown that this is more effective than asking what’s the best that might happen. We are more held back by fear […]

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